Meet our team

Meet our Team


We are your local guides in Copenhagen! Let us tell you stories about this amazing city we call home.

Say hi, ask as us anything, and we are happy to help you have a memorable time in Copehagen. 

Portrait of a Copenhagen Free Walking Tour Guide: Rikke


Tour guide & co-owner Rikke is our most experienced team member. She did her very first tour all the way back in 2012 when she was a young lost 20-something year old trying to find her way in life. After a year of working under a certain red umbrella the company decided to go into hibernation for the winter and left 6 tour guides wondering what to do next. Turns out next was setting up a new company and continuing doing what they love.

Rikke is a true foodie and loves cooking for friends and family. In the summer she spends her freetime growing vegetables in her garden. Winters are spent trying to avoid the cold by traveling to warmer places preferably where she can surf!

Ask me about: the royal gossip

Fun fact: when she isn't walking she is unicycling 

Languages: English, Danish


Daniel joined the team all the way back in 2014. Growing up in Australia in the 60s and 70s it wasn’t exactly in the cards that he would end up living in cold Scandinavia. However one visit to Copenhagen 21 years ago ended up changing everything and now Daniel lives right in the city center and starts his Grand Tour in front of the town hall where he married the love of his life. 

Daniel is an excellent chef and luckily for us he doesn't mind sharing. 

If you go for a walk along the canals of Christianshavn in the summer, notice the flowers in the colored tins. They were all planted by Daniel to create a bit of a hygge atmosphere.
Ask me about: which Danish beers to try

Fun fact: in 2019 Daniel was awarded the Christianshavn acknowledgement award for his work in the local community

Languages: English, Australian

Portrait of a Copenhagen Free Walking Tour Guide: Daniel
Portrait of a Copenhagen Free Walking Tour Guide: Penny


Penny left her office job in Sunny California to travel the world. While visiting Copenhagen she joined our Classical Tour with former tour guide Rosie and completely fell in love. Fast forward a couple of years to when Penny and her husband Danny got the opportunity to make the big move to Copenhagen. With Pennys office background and love for CFWT Penny decided to drop us a line and apply to work with us in the office. We quickly saw her tourguide potential and convinced her to join us on the streets.  Penny has now been guiding with us for 5 years, working in the office, and is now part of the owners group.

Ask me about: Danish life from an american perspective

Fun fact: Penny is in the top 0,1% top listeners of ABBA on Spotify

Languages: English, Tagalog, Spanish


Tour guide Mikkel is a 10th generation Copenhagener. He grew up in the inner city and knows all the little streets, passageways and shortcuts.
Mikkel joined us in the summer of 2023, as a fun part time job… which turned into being a job he couldn't leave again. Lucky for us he is now a permanent part of our team.
After living abroad for many years he is back living in the city center of Copenhagen. You'll find him wandering the parks of Copenhagen with his furry friend/boss Phillip (the dog).
Ask me about: attractions and museums, design & architecture
Fun fact: Mikkel has worked for our all time favorite toy producer, LEGO and for one of the oldest amusement park in the world, Tivoli
Languages: English, Danish

Portrait of a Copenhagen Free Walking Tour Guide: Mikkel
Portrait of a Copenhagen Free Walking Tour Guide: David


Tour guide David is a librarian who switched reading books for entertaining travelers when he started working with us in 2022. Originally from the mountains of Colombia it was quite a change when he first came here and realized that the tallest point in Copenhagen is 19 meters above sea level and that the highest point in Denmark is 171 meters above sea level…

David is in love with Danish architecture, the Danes (don’t tell his husband) and the culture of this new city he is experiencing. He is a bookworm as well as a cartoon nerd who loves everything Snoopy.
David will always welcome you with the typical Colombian cordiality.
Ask me about: all the fun facts about Danish society
Fun fact: David loves a good Excel spreadsheet…
Languages: Spanish, English


After experiencing free walking tours while living in Colombia and traveling the world, Martin decided to send us a quick email to see if we happened to be looking for new guides here in his hometown. The stars aligned and Martin was able to attend the interview that we had already set up the following week.
Being born in Copenhagen Martin lived most of his young life in the city center. As a history nerd he always loved learning about Denmark's past, as well as the more local Copenhagen history.
The initial plan was to stay with us for a season, but like we have seen so often before it is hard to leave once you have been under the green umbrella. Even though he feeds his guests salty danish liquorice on the tour, Martin has received nothing but 5 star reviews.
Ask me about: Culture and politics
Fun fact: Martin used to work in the funeral industry
Languages: Danish, English & Spanish

Portrait of a Copenhagen Free Walking Tour Guide: Martin
Portrait of a Copenhagen Free Walking Tour guide: Laura


Born in Transylvania and now walking and rollerskating amongst the happiest people on earth, tour guide Laura initially moved here for her first 9-5 job in architecture. That was until she realized that being indoors behind a screen wasn’t really her thing and she applied to join our team of freelance tour guides in 2019. We love her tour guiding style as much as we love her general style. Laura is known for always looking fiiiiine and while the rest of us own a full wardrobe of rainwear and winter gear Laura has the most amazing wardrobe filled with unique secondhand finds.

Besides doing tours with us Laura does concert photography and makes ceramics so check out her colorful cups on Etsy.

Ask me about: Architecture, photography and ceramics

Fun fact: Laura makes the most insane baby voice when she sees an animal (sorry in advance if you bring your dog on tour…)

Languages: English, Romanian


Jack is a sustainable builder who sometimes needs a break from talking to a wall. So now he is talking to strangers on the streets of Copenhagen under the green umbrella.

Born in Northern Ireland, Jack decided to infiltrate the land of Vikings to take back the gold they stole. However, when he got here, he liked it so much, he decided to stay.

He started practicing his Æ, Ø, Å and leaving behind the strong Irish dialect for a more understandable English. Sadly, the Danish language that he picked up is also unintelligible.

Jack now spends his days building up a sustainable co-operative village in Køge, South of Copenhagen, and setting up the Copenhagen Tool Library.

Ask me about: Sustainable Copenhagen, Housing and the Social Welfare State

Fun fact: to learn Danish he is currently translating Irish Mythology into Danish.

Languages: English

Portrait of a Copenhagen Free Walking Tour guide: Jack
Portrait of a Copenhagen Free Walking Tour guide: Laura


We first got to know Wayne in the beginning of 2020 when the world was still unaware of what was coming. We offered him a spot on the team which he happily accepted. Then the world shut down due to Covid and so did our business. We made  a very dreaded phone call and told Wayne that it wasn’t him, it was the pandemic.
When things started looking brighter and tourism slowly started picking up, we gave this amazing Aussie a call and the rest is history.
Wayne first met his Danish partner in 2008 and after a couple of years down under, it was time to give Hygge and Denmark a try. Wayne is now a true Copenhagener living in Amager (also known as shit island). With a background behind computer screens Wayne is now loving the tourguide lifestyle of being outdoors while showing travelers the best of Copenhagen. 

Ask me about: Why the Danes are the happiest people in the world
Fun fact: Wayne hasn't lived in Australia for over nine years but still have Vegemite on toast for breakfast almost everyday

Languages: English


We cannot wait to show you around!

Tour group on Magstraede